2024 update

Long time no see ! I haven't posted much in the last year, mostly because I couldn't find a way to edit the site. Publii can be confusing at times.

Summary of 2023

I spent the first half of 2023 working for Della, and making a small project (https://drmp.lecaro.me/).

I then resigned from Della and went to do the Camino de Santiago with a friend in September. We walked for 30 days in spain, it was great, not really challenging. Here are my main tips if you want to do that trip : bring sandals and a hat (the path is easy but it gets hot), don't reserve ahead of time (the best places don't give reservations), take your time (we went too fast), don't worry too much about bed bugs (we didn't encounter any).

Then, I moved to Créteil and started programming. I first focused on making https://sms.lecaro.me/ as a standalone app that lets you program sms sending from your phone. It's much simpler than the first app I made to let ciboulette do it. I recognized that my android programming skills are low, and so i should keep most of the logic on the server.

I worked on many other aspects of ciboulette to improve its performance and modernise the codebase.

Summary of 2024 so far

Goals for the rest of 2024