Hi, I'm Renan
I started programming many years ago and didn't figure out how to stop yet. I like to keep things simple and small, and to
under-engineer solutions to the problems I meet. You can contact me at renan@lecaro.me
- ciboulette.net : B2B2C Marketing saas helping 80 market gardeners sell to 16k clients
- sms : SMS proxy to let web apps programmatically send sms from android phones
- txt : An end-to-end encrypted real time collaborative text editor.
- sheets : Collaborative spreadsheet editor using nanosheets as frontend sheet library.
- obm : Text to charts tool written in rust
- mermaid-gdocs : Google docs addon to make graphs from text. 111K installs
- fastpen : Client side only codepen alternative
- minimage : PWA to draw on images. Build with VanillaJS, Canvas and Webpack
- colors : Tiny web app to generate a range of colors
- sqlitezoo : Learn SQLite with this client side only tutorial
- waco : Text diff tool for whatsapp
- mywords : PWA for Russian vocabulary training.
- importabular : spreadsheet-like data importer component (js, non virtualized, 5kb).
- nanosheets : spreadsheet component (js, virtualized, 2.5KB)
- city-v1 : An experimental multiplayer city builder game
- breakout v1 : Breakout clone with many modifiers that impact difficulty and score at the same time
- breakout v2 : Breakout clone with only coins to pick up and local split screen multiplayer using phones as remote
- HTML/CSS/JS : I've been building for the web since 2009.
- React : Using it since 2016, build countless projects with it. I usually start vanilla and then switch to react if
the front end becomes complicated.
- MeteorJS : Using it since 2015
- MongoDB : Using it since 2015. I can write aggregates but I'm not a DBA
- Webpack : used it on all major projects since 2017
- Nodejs Using it since 2015
- GIT : Every project since 2013
- Linux : Main desktop os since 2013
- Nginx, Docker, Rust, Kotlin, Ruby on rails : still learning and practicing
Work experience
- Della AI May 2022 to September 2023 : They had a great product, an in-house AI that looks for answers in legal
documents, and I helped them make it easier to
use, smaller, more performant on normal computers.
- virtualQ August 2017 - December 2019 : I mostly worked on client facing web UIs in react but
sometimes had to touch the rails back-end to get things moving quickly. Created a bunch of MeteorJS based tools for
internal use.
- Mille Volts : 6 months in 2016. We built a few solutions for various clients, with react.