Improving my i3 keyboard shortcuts for daily notes

For a while now, i've had those two lines in my i3 config

bindsym $mod+J exec subl  ~/Documents/Journal/$(date +%Y%m%d).md
bindsym $mod+B exec subl  ~/projects/$(date +%Y%m%d).md

They let me quickly start a note or blog post with a simple keyboard shortcut.

However, I've found that renaming the file to add a title would make my life easier when scrolling through blog and notes.

So, i've replaced it with these lines

bindsym $mod+J exec ~/projects/bins/ ~/Documents/Journal/
bindsym $mod+B exec ~/projects/bins/ ~/projects/

And added these lines of bash (thanks ChatGPT) in ~/projects/bins/

# Check if the directory parameter is provided
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 /path/to/journal/directory/"
    exit 1
# Set the directory where the journal files are stored
# Ensure the directory path ends with a slash
# Get today's date in the format YYYYMMDD
TODAYS_DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d)
# Search for a file in the journal directory that starts with today's date
MATCHING_FILE=$(ls $JOURNAL_DIR$TODAYS_DATE*.md 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)
# Check if a matching file was found
if [[ -n "$MATCHING_FILE" ]]; then
    # Open the matching file with Sublime Text
    subl "$MATCHING_FILE"
    # If no matching file is found, open the standard file
    subl "${JOURNAL_DIR}${TODAYS_DATE}.md"

Now, if I rename the file (but keep the prefix), it will still open when pressing window+B or window+J later that day.