breakout clone and small apks - I find the concept of the breakout game fascinating. It's so simple and open, and can be extended in all sorts of directions.
How to sharpen a knife - I love to cook, and I dislike dull knives. I used to like pull sharpener, but the knives don't stay sharp for long with them.
No spyware, no ads, no bloat - When shopping, the products pushed forward are usually bad value. You have to dig a little to find the good stuff. In software, even more so. Here's a summary of what works for me.
2024 update - Long time no see ! I haven't posted much in the last year, mostly because I couldn't find a way to edit the site. Publii can be confusing at times.
Integrating remote services in e2e tests - has a large battery of tests that ensure I don't break too many things when doing a deployment. The app also connects together many services, like google maps, google custom search, Stripe and Sumup.
2023 update - In 2022 in got a new job at Della AI and moved to Nantes. I focused less on than before, and had less time for side project.
Picnic: end-to-end encrypted collaborative text editor - I felt like having a small break from my main project this month, so I'm giving myself some weeks to try out other ideas I've been putting off. Just happy coding of open source MVPs for various ideas I've had for a while. I'm giving myself a max of 7 days per app to make sure the scope stays reasonable.
Github action to check for TODOs and FIXMEs - I had some TODO and FIXME instructions in random locations in my code that served no purpose, as I was never looking for them. I also use "console.log" for temporary debug logs that should be removed in production.
Customizing the look of Publii - I really like the look of the default Publii theme, however some modifications weren't quite working using the in-app options. I wanted this website to have a very low level of interactivity, i don't need a mobile hamburger menu for 2 short entries (code & life).
Documenting systems - Back when I was working at virtualQ, I had to do some documentation. At first I didn't quite enjoy it, feeling like this was a chore. But documenting a system can be a very interesting task. I also had to explain our systems to new hires after we raised some funds and quickly grew the team.
Giving Publii a try - As a web developer, I've created some websites for family and friends. My default tool for that was WordPress, because you could easily set them up, pick a theme, mess with the CSS a bit and let them write the content.